Thursday Sep 07, 2023

Building the support system we take for granted to help Medicaid members

Disrupting the cycle of poverty with social supports.

Imagine not having food, no way to get to the grocery store, and not having a friend with a working car to get you there or to take your kids to school. That could happen every day to a family on Medicaid.

Imagine having an asthmatic child and not being able replace your carpet with solid flooring, so he misses school and you miss work to take care of him. 

Imagine being a doctor, feeling futile because you know that the treatments you are recommending likely won't work because your patient's basic health needs are not being met.

A unique pilot program disrupts the cycle of poverty by helping children and adults become more productive, so they can perform better at school and work. When people aren’t hungry or worried about where their next meal is coming from, paying bills, getting to the doctor, or cleaning their home for their asthmatic child, for example, they can focus on being their best.

Of course it works! The program coordinates the provision of the basic necessities we take for granted, so we can lead productive, healthy lives.

People who qualify for the program are assigned a care manager who assesses their health plan and need for services, then connects the patients with community organizations that can help them. 

The program includes 29 service categories, from transportation vouchers and weekly produce boxes to parenting classes and help finding housing.

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